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Newsletter - Fall 2022

In this Issue

A Message of Gratitude from the SLO Village's Office Manager
Thankful: SLO Villagers Share Their Gratitude
What or who are SLO Villagers grateful for? 
Spotlight Story - Member & Volunteer: The Sweetness of Bonding
Successful Charities Grant Recipient
SLO Village  Events and Activities
Featured Event - Gratitude Brunch: Thank You to UCC Church!
Contagious! Highlight on Our Coffee Chat Hour
As we approach the holidays and the conclusion of 2022, I would like to express gratitude to our gracious community on the Central Coast. We have had a wonderful year in SLO Village. From our events like Meet SLO Village at the Octogan Barn to our Coffee Chats at local coffee shops, our village continues to thrive and steadily grow. As the office manager, I am behind the scenes in the day-to-day operations and often hear the wonderful comments of our members and volunteers about the community we reside in. Our village is sustainable because of the kindness of the volunteers, the time of our board, and the generosity of community donations. We appreciate all who help us serve the older adults of the community. From our village to you, thank you, and have the happiest of holidays!
Corene Canaan, SLO Village Office Manager

Thankful: SLO Villagers Share Their Gratitude

"I just wanted you to know that a SLO Village volunteer was at my house yesterday. They cleaned out my side yard. They did an absolutely beautiful job, which they always do, and I'm certainly thankful for them."

"A SLO Village volunteer took me to a doctor's office and they were extraordinarily full of loving-kindness. I can't find enough words to explain how superb they were. I just wanted to call and give a boost for this volunteer And to thank you that I was guided by amazing grace to join SLO Village and I've had such help and benefits from them."

"Thank you very much for being there. Love you guys." 

This word graphic was created from an activity at our annual holiday celebration. Our villagers took the time to share what or who they were grateful for. What are you grateful for?
Member & Volunteer: The Sweetness of Bonding
By Randy Murray

After swimming laps for 25 years, Rita Mertens, at 91, knew she wasn’t done
with water workouts.

But having given up the long pool and – about the same time – most of her
driving privileges, she was confronted with a dilemma: How was she going to get from her home overlooking the rolling hills and vineyard-covered valleys of rural San Luis Obispo to therapeutic aquatics downtown?

She found her answer in a membership in SLO Village and in a star-volunteer driver named Doug Seaborne. Twice a week, Doug helps Rita commute to the water. In the process, a warm relationship has developed between member and volunteer. Theirs is but one example of the bonding that emerges out of the SLO Village experience... Read more
Successful Charities Grant Recipient

SLO Village continues to be amazed by the wonderful grant opportunities that our Central Coast community provides. We were recent recipients of the  RE/Max Successful Charities Grant. We were given $2,500 for helping deepen connections for older adults through our programs and activities. 

RE/Max Success Charities is dedicated to giving back to its community. Success Charities is a positive outreach in the Central Coast community, to find and fill those needs that will make a difference in the lives of our children, seniors, and veterans, and by pulling together others into acting with the same goal.

Again, Thank you for this opportunity of growth and sustainability to our friends at RE/Max Success Charities!

Photo Features: Dave Kuykendall, SLO Village Board President, and the wonderful RE/Max Success Charities Agents Team.
Gratitude Brunch: Thank You to UCC Church!

SLO Village hosted its annual holiday event this year with a gratitude brunch. Members, volunteers, and guests enjoyed big slices of pie for breakfast, along with beautiful charcuterie boards. We would like to thank the United Church of Christ for letting us use their wonderful hall and kitchen. 

Also, a BIG THANK YOU to Pastor Jason Sisk-Provencio for making the coffee and Debbie for helping the event go smoothly.
SLO Village Events and Activities:

SLO Village at Gymanzo!
SLO Village will be a featured local vendor at a holiday shopping event on DECEMBER 3RD from 11 AM to 2 PM at Gymanzo. There will be delicious cookies for purchase and a raffle for a private catered dinner at our booth.

This Holiday Market will feature home décor, jewelry, leather goods, clothing, wellness products and services, and much more from local vendors. This is a kid-friendly event with fun activities for the whole family. Check out the link to RSVP:
3rd Tuesday
North County Coffee & Conversation
10-11:15 AM PST @ Malibu Coffee in Atascadero

1st and 3rd Wednesdays
SLO Coffee & Conversation
10-11:15 AM PST @ Coastal Peaks Coffee in SLO

Resuming in January/ February 2023!
2nd Tuesday
SLO Village Lunch Bunch
11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. @ Local Restaurant in SLO

Yes, add one more item to the long list of uncontrolled outbreaks that our community faces. This infestation appears to be centered where there is a gathering of older adults. One of the most infectious sites is SLO Village’s Coffee & Conversation. Every two weeks unsuspecting adults gather to tell stories and engage in merriment. They let their guard down, and before they know it, they fall prey to the ravages of joy. Yes, joy is contagious. The first signs of infection are polite smiling. This is soon followed by outright grinning, and then finally, uncontrolled laughter. There is no cure, no antidote, no vaccine, and no way back.  The infected return, a strong indication that joy may also be addictive.

I know there are a group of people who think this is a hoax, fake news, or more likely some conspiracy. Well, there is only one way to find out.

Experience Coffee & Conversation for yourself!
Copyright © 2022 SLO Village, All rights reserved.

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