Message from the Board President
As Board President, I am frequently called upon to make clear the value of SLO Village. On the surface, the value of what we do is obvious. We help older adults age in place, we make aging better.
This purpose is supported by social opportunities and services that our Village provides. Our value was made immensely evident during the uncertainty of the pandemic.
This value can be validated by a simple conversation with any of our members or volunteers. Helping older adults age in place and stay connected to their community is a compelling value.
However, I think a less obvious and more compelling SLO Village value is that of helping our community maintain a connection to older adults.
Our members are former professors, artists, doctors, activists, accountants, and homemakers. Today our members are still actively engaged, sharing their life experiences, knowledge, time, and talent with others. They volunteer, teach, protest, and help shape our community.
Communities that focus on healthy connections to all their people are resilient and more vibrant. Those who have strong relationships with older adults significantly benefit from the experience and knowledge of these connections.
By helping older adults stay connected to our community, SLO Village is helping our community stay connected to its’ older adults.
Dave Kuykendall