
Younger Seniors

By Tauria Linala

"Younger Seniors." That doesn't ring chimes with everybody. Anyone prefer "Older Adults?" Face it: Boomers and all people who are aging … many of us are having a good time of it. I'm happy to say I'm 65. I enjoy exercise, hiking, dining and dancing. My sister who is the one who likes yoga. I meditate.

Not everyone is happy, no matter what age group. I think we all acknowledge that things could be better, and we are on that path. If you aren't doing ok, I'm here to let you know that I will listen. What do I love about SLO Village? Coffee on Wednesday, with an educational topic and all of you as participants. Knowing you will be there when I have an idea to share. Knowing I might be the first to respond when you share. A community that provides volunteer support when I call.

"Younger seniors" may ask, "Why would I need help? I have my family, my kids, neighbors, faith community, or people at work?" The answer is not just help but being part of a community like SLO Village. If you want help for your aging parents, a spouse, or a friend, think of the SLO Village volunteers who are vetted.

SLO Village is part of the nationwide Village movement that supports aging with dignity. We focus on older adults retaining independence, staying active, engaged and connected to friends and doing the things they love to do.

All ages help build a community mutual support system. Get involved. This is what gets me away from the DVR and streaming - that we can make a difference and create neighborhood cohesion. We make a difference when we volunteer - a few hours a month or a few hours each week - we are working with highly competent staff, training volunteers, referring selected vendors and collaborating with a wide spectrum of organizations for care management.

The most rewarding part is making that connection with an individual. Volunteers of all ages connect the generations in learning, exploring and contributing.

So, here I am and here you are. Younger or older, at times we all crave connection with peers, mental stimulation and social engagement. Now is a good time to think about the future, to take action for that future, to work on this now while we can!