connecons and help. What drew me to the Village was it was based on a simple and compelling
soluon, direct involvement and kindness were the only crical
The membership fees for SLO Village are $500 a year for a
single person and $750 for a household (2 people at the same
locaon). There is no addional cost for volunteer services.
With the extremely high cost of living in SLO County, SLO
Village oers a sliding scale for low-income households and
individuals. In an eort to not turn any senior away for the
inability to pay, SLO Village has received grants from The
Community Foundaon for SLO County among various other grants.
With the support of volunteers, they oer transportaon, home repairs, technology help, in-
home services and courtesy calls. For the services not provided by volunteers, SLO Village
provides veed businesses to provide access to plumbers, painters, home repairs, home health
care, housekeeping and more at a discounted rate. To date, every service call sent to SLO
Village has been completed.
“We want to engage our seniors to stay in the community and not become isolated,” said
Tauria. “We hold events to keep them engaged, oer walking companions and oer
transportaon for anything like seeing a show, vising friends, and shopping.” The many other
services provided are essenal to help support their day to day living such as minor home
repairs and technical support for phones, tablets, computers, stereos, home alarms systems,
etc. “We want people to be able to age in their own home, rather than going to assisted living if
they choose not to,” connued Tauria.
As any non-prot organizaon, SLO Village is always in need volunteers who can work with
older people. Volunteers just have to be 18 and be able to pass an extensive background check.
This is especially true outside of the current coverage area. As of now, the only members are
south of the grade unl they can get volunteers in the rest of the county.
They are also hoping to hire a sta in 2019 since the
organizaon has been completely run by the board
of directors. In an eort to raise funds, the board has
a campaign to match up to $25,000 donated. This
would be especially helpful in hiring an Execuve
Director and support sta that can help manage the
growth of SLO Village. “We love our members,” said
Tauria. “We try to do good things for them, and so
our best to help them in any way we can.”
SLO Village Board President
Dave Kuykendall
Village Board Members Meg Kuykendall, Sally
Kruger, Tauria Linala having lunch with vising
Village Members from St Louis SLO Village